In this topic, we will see how these two theories of kingship reflect diverse ideologies and perspectives that shaped the current region’s culture and traditions. Here in this article we will study Theories of Kingship Brahminic and Budhist, Critical Study of Kautilya’s Arthasatra, Kamandaka’s Nitisara. Each offers different perspectives on the legitimacy, nature of sovereignty, and the role of rulers in society. So, let us discuss this theory in brief for better understanding.
Theories of kingship:
In ancient times Indian kingship was often viewed through the divine right and cosmic order in Brahmanic tradition. Various Brahmanical texts like manusmriti, and dharamsutras all these texts provide various guidelines to the kings and governors who have to follow all these which are based upon dharma and righteous conduct. According to the Bramanic ideology, all the king should follow dharma and protect their subjects.
- Rajdharma
This concept gave some particular duties and responsibilities to the king under the Brahmanic theories. In this, the king is chosen by the god who has some responsibilities and prior obligation to govern justly and hold morality of the universe.
- Chakravartin
According to this tradition an ideal king is often depicted as chakravartini, who is a universal monarch who rules the entire territory with justice and nonviolence and brings prosperity and harmony to the society.
- Divine mandate
It also often depicts that the king is the ruler who had derived their authority and power of control from gods like Varun, and Indra. That is why the king’s legitimacy ability is often connected to maintaining tradition, and cosmic order, and also performing prayers to gods.
The Buddhist tradition was an alternative tradition to the Brahmanic tradition, which offers a more ethical and egalitarian approach to governance. Buddhist teaching is often laid with nonviolence, the pursuit of spiritual enlightenment which shaped the Buddhist perspective on kingship.
- Dhamaraja
Under this tradition, the ideal king is considered as the dharamraja, or righteous ruler. The concept of dharma raja is not based on the concept of the divine like Brahmanical but this is based on the principle of dharma which is taught by the Buddha.
- Compassionate governance
This is based on the principle of ruling which is based on the love and compassion of their subjects rather than on their social status, and affiliation.
- meritocracy
Buddhist theory of kingship did not support the hereditary monarchy, it supports dharamraja as a ruler who earns his position, respect, and love, from his people by his ethical and righteous conduct.

At the end of this topic, we can conclude here that both theories of kingship in Brahmanic and Buddhist traditions gave distinction in ancient India. Both of these laid emphasis on moral; and ethical dimensions. Where their root was different in that one owned divine mandate and the other one owned virtue and compassion principle. Still, we can see how the broader concepts and philosophies are still shaping current Indian civilization.
Arthashastra was written by Chanakya who was also known as the Kautilya, and Vishnugupta. This was written in the period of the Mauryan dynasty around the 4th century BCE. kautilya was Chandragupta’s philosopher, and advisor. Chandragupta was the founder of the Mauryan empire.
Theme of arthashastra
This book was primarily focused on the principles of governance, statecraft, and diplomacy. In his book, he gave proper guidelines for ruling in various aspects like administration, economics, welfare, and the use of Machiavellian tactics to maintain stability and power within the territory.
Approach to governance
Kautilya in his book had approached adopting pragmatic and utilitarianism for governance. He advocates in his book for a centralized power, strong, and well-structured bureaucracy, and efficient rule of taxation. Through his policies, he promotes stability, prosperity, and the power of consolidation.

Nitisara was written by Kamandaka who was an Indian philosopher. The exact date of his composition is not well known but it is believed that it was written between the 7th to 12th centuries CE.
Theme of nitisara
The composition Nitisara was concerned with personal virtue, philosophy, and ethical conduct. It emphasizes individual conduct, righteousness, and the principle of dharma. It also includes some guidance which is provided for governance, and statecraft, but its most important role was to establish moral character and pursue spiritual enlightenment.
Approach to governance
Nitisara places great emphasis on the ethical way or dimension of governance. It played a significant role to stress on righteous, honest, compassionate, and benevolent rulers. It also emphasizes the moral responsibilities of the ruler who does not result in unethical behavior. It acknowledges the need for wisdom in governance.

In the end, we can say that both these books provide us with valuable knowledge related to governance and ethics in ancient India. They show different perspectives related to their field of making this like different themes, and approaches. But these two theories of kingship offer distinctive views on the complexities of governance and responsibilities, and ethical or moral duties of leadership in ancient India.