Theoretical overview
These terms are used by Emile Durkheim to explain the theory of religion. In the Elementary form of religious Life, Emile Durkheim presented what is probably the most influential interpretation of religion from functional perspective. Durkheim argues that all societies divide the world into two categories, the sacred and the profane or more simply, the sacred and the non-sacred. Religion is based upon this division. It is “unified system of beliefs and practices related to sacred things, that is to say things set apart and forbidden”. It is important to realize that, “By sacred things one. must not understand simply those personal things which are called gods or spirits; a rock, a tree, a spring, a pebble, a piece of wood, house, in a word anything can be sacred”.
Sacred: it denotes dedication to a deity or to some religious purpose consectrated entitled to religious respect by association with divinity or divine things.
Anything is considered holy or sacred if used for spiritual purpose such as the worship or service of god. Profane: Profane means morally corrupt or corrupt morally by intemperance or sensitivity. It can also be understood as pervert subvert. There are many persons and happenings which pervert the mind of young generation.
Conditions of life tend to change the thinking and perception of the young people. Sometime the impact is to negative that they incite to commit a crime or eviol deed.
It also means showing irrelevance and contempt for something sacred.
Sacred: it denotes dedication to a deity or to some religious purpose consectrated entitled to religious respect by association with divinity or divine things. Anything is considered holy or sacred if used for spiritual purpose such as the worship or service
of god.
Profane means morally corrupt or corrupt morally by intemperance or sensitivity. It can also be
understood as pervert subvert. There are many persons and happenings which pervert the mind
of young generation.
Conditions of life tend to change the thinking and perception of the young people. Sometime the
impact is to negative that they incite to commit a crime or eviol deed.
It also means showing irrelevance and contempt for something sacred.
Sacred: it denotes dedication to a deity or to some religious purpose consectrated entitled to religious respect by association with divinity or divine things. Anything is considered holy or sacred if used for spiritual purpose such as the worship or service of god.
Profane: Profane means morally corrupt or corrupt morally by intemperance or sensitivity. It can also be understood as pervert subvert. There are many persons and happenings which pervert the mind of young generation. Conditions of life tend to change the thinking and perception of the young people. Sometime the impact is to negative that they incite to commit a crime or eviol deed. It also means showing irrelevance and contempt for something sacred..
Rites: A rite is a ritual that marks a person is transition of one status to another. Rites explore and describe various notable when one`s social status is altered. Rite marks transitional form of sociological and psychological nature takes place. Rite is a ceremonial, usually religious act: 1. Rites of individual level. 2. Communitarian rite 3. Rite of personal devotion.
Rituals: The rituals relate to the behavior of people with reference to the supernatural and sacred things. Rituals are performed in order to achieve certain desires and wishes and hence it is an instrumental action. It can be also called as ceremonialism. Ritual ceremonial may be called the external side of religion. Ritual helps to remind individual of holy realm and strengthen his faith in his realm. In all religions, many rituals are performed at different occasion like birth, marriage and death. Behind every ritual there is some logic and the biggest logic is emotional satisfaction.
Points to remember
- Anything is considered holy or sacred if used for spiritual purpose such as the worship or service of god.
- Profane means morally corrupt or corrupt morally by intemperance or sensitivity. It can also be understood as pervert subvert.
- A rite is a ritual that marks a person is transition of one status to another. Rites explore and describe various notable when one`s social status is altered.
- The rituals relate to the behavior of people with reference to the supernatural and sacred things. Rituals are performed in order to achieve certain desires and wishes and hence it is an instrumental action.